The Team

Meet the team behind One Time More

Sarah Purcell
Sarah Purcell​
Bridget Kelly
Bridget Kelly​
Frank McGrath
Frank McGrath​

About 14 years had passed since Sarah last met Bridget and Frank, but instantly, after ordering beers and settling at the Chagall Bar on Schoenhauser Allee on a warm Berlin evening in May 2023, years melted to minutes.

Catch-up stories, “what-abouts,” reminiscing, and belly laughs filled the next four hours. By the time they parted, the seeds of One Time More were already germinating.

The entirety of our night revolved around our shared experiences in the residential summer drama workshops in Gormanston, Co. Meath, in the mid to late 2000s. During those week-long events in late July each year, magic and myth were created. The participants, organizers, tutors, and the venue itself combined in a rare cocktail of powerful chemistry. The tutors were immense, the work was serious, dedication was intense, hours were long, partying was hard, laughter was crippling, tears were gut-wrenching, hangovers were debilitating, and the overall experience was intoxicating and life-changing.

Gormanston was another world – literally. Unfortunately, the “real” world inevitably came crashing in, and we each would return to our families, careers, and responsibilities. Eventually, the “real” world prevailed, and mortgages, jobs, and children put an end to our annual divine immersion into intense drama and performance.

After their inspiring conversation, they were fueled with determination to reignite the “Gormo” flame. This led to conceiving a summer workshop in Nenagh, a venture that is filled with excitement. The hope is that you can share in making the dream a magical reality.

Sarah Purcell Sarah Purcell A.L.C.M, B.Ed., is originally from Dublin. She works as an International Acting Coach currently residing in Berlin and has been working with the Michael Chekhov Technique for over 15 years. Sarah has taught in the UK, adjudicated as part of the ADCI (Amateur Drama Council of Ireland), and currently teaches at The Michael Chekhov Studio Berlin on the Berufsbegleitende Weiterbildung (Acting and Improvisation course). To say that Sarah is passionate about drama and the Michael Chekhov Technique would be like saying that Paddington kinda likes marmalade.

Bridget Kelly Bridget has a BSc. (Hons) in Industrial Microbiology, a PhD in Industrial Microbiology, an MSc. in Science Communication, a Certificate in Teaching and Learning, and a Diploma of Licentiate from the Irish Board of Speech and Drama… to mention just a few of her qualifications. She is a full-time Lecturer in Microbiology at DkIT, a mother of two young girls, a dab hand at crochet, and a member of the Shercock Drama Festival Committee. She doesn’t have spare time but manages to help Frank figure out what day it is and wear matching shoes.

Frank McGrath Frank, originally from Tipperary and now living in Cavan, is a seasoned audiologist, drama enthusiast and “sound man.” With a background in Marine Electronics, 23 years in technology, 19 years in audiology, and 30 years in amateur theatre, Frank is an award-winning actor and director and a lover of folk songs. His insights into sound production were influenced by his study of psychoacoustics, auditory neurology and tinnitus. These have morphed into innovative perspectives for theatre sound production. While making Bridget’s life more stressful, he listens to new tunes or recites old folk songs. (Daft as a brush)